Apprentice Achievements
New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

As we head towards the end of our first week in 2024 are you considering making some New Years Resolutions or are you already falling away from the ones you made at 3.00am on New Years day with a glass in your hand?

In the past I have often made them but never kept them so this year I'm not falling into that trap with the romantic notion of being ripped by February & winning the London Marathon, both of which I've had on my list in previous years 😂

For me 2024 will be a year of change, sustainable change, that will see me doing something daily to improve all areas of my personal & professional life, giving me 365 opportunities to be better through small incremental steps that I can stick to.

At 4.00am today I went for my first run of 2024. I ran 2k which may not seem far but it was achievable & sustainable & I can increase this distance through my small incremental daily changes until I reach my daily run target of 5k. A few more of my daily changes will include:

Shaving more often (although not today)

Journaling more

Going for a mid morning walk

Smiling more (I know, a tough one)

Blogging more

Vlogging (although this is linked to smiling & shaving)

Daily incremental changes don't need to be dramatic as the imbedded change over 365 days will be significant & sustainable.

Happy changing & I hope you have a great day

